Monday, July 30, 2012

51 things I didnt know about marilyn monroe

rag banner has teaser, 50 things you didnt know about Marilyn Monroe.
Well one thing I know is that whoever runs the Teeveee into New Zealand has not shown A Marilyn Monroe movie in living memory so why are pushing all this crap onto us in the press?
What the fuck is wrong with the world when they can plaster all sorts of nonsense over the rag but never actually show one of her movies?
And an op-ed piece on Beach Volley Ball.
I can just see the editor yelling print it with glee as he knows full well that a couple of bountiful babes with boobs hanging out will sell more papers.
Karl over there with his funny old hair does his usual diatribe against te reo this am.
Well back in the day tory party nabob Barry Gustafson showed that in NY kids who were force fed spanish and english turned out to be not much good at either.
However that is not a good reason for dumping on Maori TV.
They have a good news service, first class current affairs and Rugby League from Great Britain.
In toto their programming shows up all the other channels and TVNZ could learn something from them.
Their Satanic Majesties Request arrived in the post this morning,
From The MusicShop780 in Argentina of all places.
Thanks guys and I will give you the 5stars on Amazon when I finish this.
The Dompost must have taken a backwards pill this morning.
Columnist Richard Long calls Mitt Romney, "Mitt the Twit"  and calls JOhn Banks to account  when his own party will not discipline him.
and the PM has run off to Samoa for a week so all the ordeur can dissipate.
Tuesday night on Teevee is NCIS and Hawaii 50. Otherwise it is just the usual rubbish. How many cooking shows can teevee show before the 25% of obese people in NZ is ratcheted up to 50%. A news item on the radio yesterday said we are the fattest people in the world.
World Class fat people.
Here,have a strawberry milkshake  to go with that hot pie and do you want chips to go with that?
Checking my stats and the biggest audience is in the former U.S.S.R.
Must be all the pictures of MIGs.
Mikoyan and Gurevich design bureau.

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