Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tom Cruise, Asian Mudflats and Standing In The Need Of Prayer


This morning on the OP-Ed Page had half the page, mainly piccies, on Tom Cruise and his spouse and a small piece at the bottom on the potential disappearance of the Siberian Godwits if certain asian countries develop their mudflaps.
As far as I am concerned I like TC as an actor and I usually enjoy his movies and I dont give a wooden nickel about Katie Holmes. I never watched Dawsons Creek and I don't know her personally and I see no need to read up on his and her private lives and proclivities. They are nothing to do with me.
What I do care about is species extinction and mindless development so nascent capitalists and rentiers can fill their own pockets by destroying the natural environment.
On the radio this morning , 9-noon, there was a piece about a NZ doctor from Bangladesh going on about how empty our country is.
Its bad enough with Kiwi "GARDENERS" spraying everything in sight with a myriad of  herbicides and other toxic stuff  but think how bad it would be if there were another 20,000,000 people.
anyway what I am trying to say is that the rag has its priorities all wrong.The world can go to hell in a handbasket as long as we know who is humping who in Hollywood.
Having a Stanley Brothers fest at the moment.
I bought this 3cd set from the local shop a year or two back but I only played it once and thought that it wasn't really up to scratch.
Think I was put off by it being manufactured in Portugal.
sorry Portugal.
But after a few more listens over the weekend I have really grown to like these tracks with George Shuffler (what a cool name) and the Clinch Mountain boys.
Won't you lay down boys and take a little nap.
Fifteen miles from the Cumberland Gap.
One of the songs, Girl At the Crossroads Bar, was reworked by Jerry Garcia on his Acoustic album and most of the other stuff have become Bluegrass standards.
I must say that years ago I went to the then DFC and tried to get something happening with a CD pressing plant in NZ but of course you know the story.
1. cd's will never take off
2. if it was viable someone else would have done it already.
blah blah blah.
run away sonny and stop wasting my time.
So in the meantime pray for the United States and relief from the extreme weather events.
Last but not least I was watching Native Affairs on Maori TV tonight and the rationale and the likely outcome behind the Supreme Courts decision on putting down the Coal Mines Amendment Act 1903 was outlined. Why didnt Ngati Te Wharetoa put their case to the public beforehand instead of dribbling it out later? Why hasn't the press been on this? so much of the deliberations in the political life now is being presented as fait accompli because nobody bothers anymore.
Is there a press gallery at the supreme court and if not why not.
And if not then why doesn't one of the justices spring a leak or are they in on it too.
I guess like everything else in this world justice has become a plastic replica of the real thing and we now exist in a pseudo democracy.

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