Tuesday, July 3, 2012

beat on the brat wif a baseball bat....

Hi Paul

Great recap by Nick Bollinger in the sampler last night on RNZ Nights.
We used to play rockaway beach in our band in the 80's.
We had three sets: country, rock and roll and what we called Jazz (?) which included hey hey my my and rockaway beach????
depending on the gig we would decide which set to start with first but by the endo f the night nobody much cared.
We were goooood!
Dave, (david letterman).
I gooogled 'Tri-State Crack Fixers' last night but I couldn't find them.
tee hee.
So GSK have been fined $3.900,000,000 for selling drugs that didnt work.
Their promo at the sales bash had a faux hip-hop theme which is apt because hip-hop was originally vanity recordings made by ghetto drug dealers with too much spare cash!
oh yeah.
See thats why people in NZ dont like cannabis. They dont care about the drug really. what they object to is exorbitant profits and gangs with high priced machinery, you know, hardly davisons etc, so its basically pure jealousy.
Time for the Uruguay solution here.

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