Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stepping in the light


The Cynic

"desktop find"

Guess which one was already on the desktop?
Lovely day today.
High cloud but warm and sunny.

Found Abbies book in the Family Shop this morning.
Nearly stole it but as it was only 50c I fought my radical hippy impulse and paid for it.
What a guy.
Heard "My Old Man" from 'Blue' on RNZ last night.
I had forgotten all about it.
One of my lovers used to sing it to me but that was a long time time ago.
Didnt we have fun.
Now I'm just mean and she dont like me!
Especially Abbie at woodstock when PETE gave him a mighty swipe with his strat and knocked him off the stage.
Peace and love bro.
also got Teaser and the Fire Cat, There Goes Rhymin Simon, Glen Campbells Greatest Hits and a totally kitsch   Gene Pitney album with some goodies and some filler but a cool cover.
I.e loads of primary colours and a design from the 50's but ultra cool.
Hey just lookin' back aint no crime.
Its easy but the future is the thing and for old farts its living in the NOW.Yesterday I bought a Readers Digest scenic wonders of the world for very cheap. US$62 on amzon but nowhere near that at the thrift shop.
Fabulous pictures but I cant find any of them on google so I just put up a few from the same locations.
I dont need to go anywhere.
The book will do.
If I was to go anywhere in the world it would have to be Lake Baikal and Hampton Court?
figure that out.
I did restring the gat last night.
According to Dan Crary its best to leave it tuned up for at least 24 hours before its played and then the strings have more tone and last longer.
So I'm hanging out til I can get my mits on it and hav e that brightness for a few days.



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