Wednesday, August 1, 2012

fat people and ethnicity

my apologies to any who may be offended at my choice of examples.
you know I am a real kiwi and like it or lump it I have the right to draw on any facet of our culture to illustrate the point.
the menu:
rich soup and a glass of sherry
then two side dishes with chanpagne
the beef mutton fowls or bacon
with more champagne or beer
then rice and curry and ham
then pudding
pastry jelly custard
or blancmange
more chaaaaampagne
cheese and salAD
and a glass of port
figs raisins and walnuts
two or three glasses of claret
and a cigar
edward henderson
settlement physician

so my friends
I have eaten just about everything too
so forgive me

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now for something completely different...