Sunday, August 19, 2012

litritcha in noo zillun...

Hooray for Radio New Zealand.
They played a Junior Wells song this morning.
Real grunt.
Not the ususal pap.

The Black Caps.
Memo for MIke Hesson.
In one of Don Bradmans very few interviews he mentioned that as a boy he spent much time bouncing a golf ball and trying to hit it with a cricket bat.
He credits that with his great eye.
Maybe its too late for semi adults to replicate this procedure but it might be worth a try?

two headlines from the business and the cultural pages of the Sunday Star Times but both connected.
Rod Oram analyses the Business Growth Agenda into competitiveness and science mentioned 4 times each yet brand and story mentioned 21 and 25 times each respectively.
INother words its all talk!
Basically they haven't got a clue.
When was the last original idea to come out of NZ.
This government is typical of most National Party administrations.
They have fantasies of omnipotence (machbarkeitswahn) but no concrete ideas of how to achieve anything.
All they know how to do is flap their gums.
Whats wrong with nz fiction is that it is all pap.
Pap is the stuff that issues from the breast after the goodness is gone and its time for the child to be weaned.
NZ fiction is no good and nobody reads it.
It comes from creative writing courses and not from life experience and the content reflects the social status of the writers.
IN other words middle class bourgeois, undemenading twaddle that fills in the spaces but doesn't say anything.
Written by snobs for snobs.
They wont read Philip K Dick, or Elmore Leonard, or Glendon Swarthout or Louis Lamour or even John Buchan.
Who the hell is John Steinbeck?
So literature and industry in NZ share the same problem.
They know all the all the words and they know all the tunes but they never learned the song.
When the NZ film commission invited Robert McKee to NZ way back when, he said that aspiring film writers were from   university literature classes and they mostly knew how to read Proust but not comics.
like New Zealand films where there are only about two decent ones out of the whole ouevre, Ngati, Bridge To Nowhere, NZ has only produced 2 decent novels. PLUMB and one of Maurice Shadbolts that I cant quite remember the name of at the moment.
He had obviously been reading Harold Robbins at the time butt soon reverted (larfs).
I remember years ago talking to 2 sheilas who were working at 3'6" at the time and they wouldnt watch the Nanny or listen to Dolly Parton.
In the first case they refused to watch because of her accent and in the second case they were Jealous of Dolly's boobs,
So they mised out all round but they didn't care.
They had the jobs and the position and that was that.
Furthermore what they did like was anything they were told to like and as they held all the instruments of communication they could talk up the most arrant nonsense and be listened to.
Thats the way its done in Noo Zillun.

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