Tuesday, August 21, 2012

the altar song---r.i.p. Scott Mckenzie

Its all over for the unknown soldier.
BYe BYe Scott Mckenzie.
I loved your song and sometimes I play it on my guitar.
Written by John Phillips of the mamas and the papas and not a simple ditty either.
Full of neat little mini modulations and shifts into and out of the minor key.
Went to town this morning.
Grey and damp.
Very pretty coming home on the bus.
A front sweeping up the valley lit the clouds with a rare luminescence with the ugly stuff right behind.
The sun always follows the rain.
Found a cheapo compilation of Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers at the warehouse.
$4.99 and worth every penny. Poor Frankie got a bad smack habit and died from a hotshot OD or so they say!
Anyway he sang like the heavenly choir and it will get some heavy airplay when I get home.
Thank you The Warehouse.
I asked the security guard at the redshed if he knew who he was but no.
Too far in the past dude.
like everything I like these days.
Gone like it never existed in the first place.
Hey I think I will whistle the latest hip hop song and skip along quite merrily just for fun.

Epistle to Dippy...
Tried to watch The TErminator last night but I dont go much for that sort of stuff anymore.
Found JOe KIdd the other day at the Baptist boot sale for cheap last Saturday aaand I coulndt watch that all the way through either.
But I will watch Top Gun tonight and saya prayer for the unknown soldier.

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