Friday, July 12, 2013

god gave Noah the rainbow sign...

Listened to lloyd geering this morning on RNZ. the wisest fool in New Zealand. most of his speculations are close enough to the mark but the impact is beyond his comprehension. most people dont care about theology or ultimate objective knowledge of the universe. they just want to get on with it and leave the rest to the eggheads. But when the eggheads want to pull the whole system down just to prove they are right then we are in trouble. Trouble with dudes like geering they have never worked a day in their lives and dont really understand where anything comes from and/or how much is left. Interrogatives. what pisses me off is that when you listen to the talking heads on the news using them you find that you start using them yourself. and sportsmen who are suppposed to be role models and have had their characters strenghtened by playing rugby
. you get tough guys like liam messam being interviewed on the sports section using them every second sentence. real tough guys dont need to ask others to agree with them If you dont agree with them then tough. they dont need to sound like some cheap pussy whipped extra from a second rate pommie soap. Basically its tantamount to bullying but I suppose thats ok if you are a spoortsstar and the tevveee every second day. Isnt;t it?

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