Thursday, July 18, 2013

hellhound on my trail...

sad story on RNZ 9-noon this am. MIKE Fields pacific respondent reported that the Island of Guadalcanal has almost been completely clear felled for timber. Te world has gone crazy and now it is almost denuded of trees so that upstart manques who have made some money can tell themselves they are authentic because they have some thing exotic.
Well rot in your fucking graves.
Found a copy of Definitive Chicago Blues from NOTNOW music at the Redshed today for $9.99.
$10 less than the uptown hipshop (larfffs).
Give it hell Saturday night while the Crusaders take the Queensland reds apart.
go boys.
Post colonialism anyone; more Maori in Queensland than in Hamilton NZ.
Give im hell. hehehehehehe.
last but not least.
Chris Trotter.
"Never before has the state been willing to satisfy so completely the most punitive, the cruelest and nakedly sociopathic impulses of its wealthiest citizens."
The Dompost, JULY 19, 2013.

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