Monday, July 1, 2013

Ya Get That...

Carter Court Carterton
Old folks home.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that this place needs a complete rejuvenation.
The staff have become complacent, sloppy and unprofessional.
There is a profusion of ad hoc doo dads like cat runways, lawns being dug up, staff bringing their dogs to work and unnecessary buildings that are not much more than firetraps being erected for the sole purpose of some people getting their photo in the sausage wrapper.
Finally there are staff and patients coming down with noro virus and if there is a death there will be a major scandal.
something needs to be done soon before the place becomes ramshackle.

Spook Country
William Gibson
Gibson is a great writer and maybe an acquired taste but I picked up this one the other day in the thrift shop.
Published in 2010 and sections on NSA data mining and two Russian protagonists with the same name as the Boston Marathon bombers.
Does Life imitate art?

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