Wednesday, July 10, 2013

shadrach, meshach and abednego...

which kung fu dat

Pirates are in at the Carterton Library this week.
The Princess Bride hehehehehehe
The Pirate Roberts.
Good week on the movie front.
Got vhs of minority report for 50c
and DVD of Bound Fo0r Glory from the Warehouse for $5.
It had a scratch but it still went ok.
Which Kung fu dat?
Grant Smithies last week in SST on the importance of music.
most is muzak these days Grant.
Watched a dvd of the civil war recently and one southern general had a band that played waltzes and polkas while the fight went on.
All day gig.

now the important stuff
back in the day there was a very good British author , Nicholas Monsarrat who wrote ripping yarns.
The Tribe That Lost its Head and the ship that died of shame.
Where is he when we need you now.
This country has gone fucking mad.
everyone is obsessed with toys and suffering from 'machbarkeitswahn' or fantasies of omnipotence.
on the radio this a.m. someone calling for the cessation of antibacterial soap.
its fucking up the national sewage but you see ordinary soap is not good enough anymore.
nobody can stoop to pull a weed anymore, they have to spray it with some foul concoction and walk away leaving a poisonous mess behind them.
everybody has to have a leaf blower and a outboard motor and an angle grinder or they just ain't kiwis.
yeah right.
the country has become infantilised beyond the ability of anyone to pull it back.
take these three disasters:
 varoa mite
super white butterfly.
the government can find all the money it needs to pay for hotels and jets but not prevent disasters to the economy.
its all about looking good no matter what.
kiwis need to learn how to pull their fucking heads in.
just look at the piranha women in the National Party caucus and you will see the type of people egging everyone else on to give 110% and to hell with the real cost.

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