Tuesday, July 30, 2013

the altar song; RIP J.J. Cale

Farewell JJ Cale. Master musician who distilled his version of the American songbook into a rarefied and refined essence.
He knocked out hits for the big leaguers and kept some for himself.
A great innings. When Charles Shaar Murray visited him in Oklahoma he was busy hand painting his new Cadillac. "they didn't have the colour I liked and a man can only drive one car at once".
onya JJ

If You Are Ever IN Oklahoma?

Banana country. What happens when you elect a bohunk who cant read to the most powerful position in the house?
He toadies up to the boss because he doesn't even know what sort of power he possesses and in whose name he possesses it.

The parliament seems to have descended into a little boys club with all the usual sneaks and toadies and tittle tattles and where no one ever seems to be able to do anything properly

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