Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Shit List... plus big sucker Wah Wah....

population pressure air pollution ozone depletion acid rain water pollution water diversion toxic waste radiation peril. species extinction fish stock depletion deforestation desertification STUPID PEOPLE.
Given to me by a Chinese Christian lady.
Hope they get to maturity without the sneak from Carter Court next door poisoning them.
he thinks he is a gardener but he doesn't know shit.
He thinks he can make a lawn by spraying it with poison and not fertilising it?
He cant bend over and pick up detritus but he can drive a ride on mower.
Plenty of letters to the editor about the new Signs for Carterton.
I have been up and down the road several times in the bus and haven't even noticed them.
Different huh?
Its the manques.
they come here to live the simple life and immediately they get here they realise there is an intellectual and power vacuum and suddenly realise they can have a go at recasting the place in their home and garden type image.Yetccccchhhhhh.
They crave  authenticity but the got rid of the sign saying Swamp Road?
You know this is the land of cows and bullshit but not for them
If they want to be different then they should have erected a sign saying Carterton in wild west lettering but hey they too busy complaining to the council if they get a bit of cow shit on their car!
any way.
I ran the DVD of Disraeli Gears Last night.
The whole gang was there.
Ahmet Ertegun
Tom Dowd
Felix Pappalardi
Chris Welch
Pete Brown
Martin Sharpe
Great stuff
Eric is still up himself but Jack and Ginger were on top of it.
Ginger: "I just play rudiments".
Jack: "SWLABR, she was like a bearded rainbow".
Jack looked cool in his Davy Crockett Hat without the tail????
NO pitch changers or vocoders.
The music is filled with joy and exuberance not to mention instrumental virtuosity.
They cant do it like that now.
What hair and teeth image band is going to do the mothers lament on the end of their artistic masterpiece?

Been reading the Philosophy Gym for some mental gymnastics but I find the constant use of interrogatives very off putting.
Stephen Law should know that interrogatives are invalid arguments from the fallacy of the argument from authority so he is either sloppy or doesn't care.
Anyway I have worked out a refutation for the P.U.N.
I'll get it down tomorrow.

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