Sunday, November 8, 2015


Item in todays rag proposing on the basis of a survey that religious people are less giving and more punitive than those without relgion.
whats more interesting is those in western countries who use the church to hide in and advance their political and commercial aspirations along with their sexual proclivities.
I can think of one person who came "up  north" to this town to drop their bundle under the aegis of the Salvation Army and dropped the army as soon as they had dropped their bundle and joined the other church.
They stand up every Sunday and portray themselves as paragons of virtue when their morals are shit no matter what sort of house they live in which is apposite because this one took a thousand bucks off someone I know and then told them that they could not have the flat and would not give the money back.
When my sister died she immediately badgered my brother in law and gave him a sob story about her daughter needing a building section.
My brother in law for all his faults gave in and sold it to her.
The next thing he saw it advertised fro double what she had paid him.

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