Sunday, June 5, 2022

fundamentally frank wilczek...

 Hi Frank Wilczek. I am reading your book and enjoying it immensely.

I was never a numbers person. I did learn some algebra and calculus and promptly forgot it when I left high scbhool and there is some doubt if I ever comprehended what I was doing completely.

I am a word person and  gain satisfaction fom reading the history of mathematicians and physiscists and the discoveries they made even when it was above my head.

And the philosphy too. Hated karl popper. His version of science does not seem to be yours thank heavens.

One quibble if I may. I always react when I see the word subconscious used. Freud himself had difficulties with this word and in the end he settled on unconscious so there could be no doubt what he meant.

Freud is  and always will be the master of dynamic psychiatry no matter what the revisionists think.

One of his assertions was that scientists were curious by nature but curiosity is a function of the infant never having witnessed the sex act between the parents. Good bourgeois stuff and the veracity is one of those things that it would be impossible to know without subjecting every living scientist to psychoanalysis to check on the etiology of their character and intellectual  formation. 

anyway I offer my grateful thanks for your book and the insights contained within and I consider it a magificent achievement and more accesible and informative say than Heisenbergs Physics and Philosophy.

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