Friday, June 24, 2022

vile article in todays Times Age by hooten...

 Slimy piece by booten in todays Times Age.

half and half on the editorial page and the op-ed although it would have covered the whole editorial page but that would be going too far even for the Times Age.

The upshot is that hooten is claiming that there should be a snap election over the handling of a hothouse flower and their bun in the oven and the operation of MIQ.

F*ck you hooten. this government is here to stay and the people of New Zealand all know they dodged a bullet  but you want to portray it as one takes precedence over the many.

There is no alternative to a Labour government at the moment.

The Nationals party is weak and vaccillating and their greed and envy is rancid and self evident and I know you have read this when you start using my words because like the nationals party you are lazy and full of it.

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