Friday, October 21, 2022

the poisoning of porritt place, carterton, new zealand...

 the precint of porrit place, carterton new zealand was created by the Carterton Borough Council to contain 20 pensioner units.

by and large it all worked well till the next door establishment of carter court cast their eye on the property and the establishment and went to work to separate the council from their property.

now it is owned by the carter trust and the people of carterton (sic).

unfortunately the management is not up to the job.

the first thing she says to me is "have you been annoying your neighbours lately"?

on her first insoection of my unit she looked at my degree and said,"it's the intelligent ones you have to watch out for." huh?

also in her employ is a very stupid man but sly and nasty too.

manon of the spring type nasty

the problem here is the edges.

porritt place is no five star resort on the riviera

and no place for an ignoramus to be in charge

the chief light bulb changer also fancies himself as a gardener and he hasn't got a clue.

they think they can garden with glyphosate sprayer and never use the mower properly.

the damn mower is to  mow and chew up everything that gets in its path.

this is an estate! doinggggggg.

the she ignoramuss thinks she can bully the place into submission with glyphosate.

she has no idea.

she should be knocking the hedges back by hand and getting rid of some of that lard instead of wandering around piddling poison everywhere.

she tried to bully me

hahahahahahahahahasaid she wuz gunna send hubby Roy around?????

anyway the fact of the matter is that both of them are just plain lazy. 

anyway its like living in creepy town at the moment

creep creep creep.


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