Wednesday, June 15, 2011



sorry about the surfer girl trio. copped a pickwick re-issue last week. cover is the "Surfer Girl". long haired blonde and very wholesome. and they do a cover of Alley OOp. yes indeedy.
big ups on Kraziekhat. K does the best 50's tabs on ultimate guitar tabs. He is toooo much!
looks like f*c*book is tanking. btw, how is your apoplexy? scumbags?
darren hughes still bleating. now get a real job.
great to see daniel radcliffe and the cast of how to succeed in business without really trying on Dave yesterday. quite the little gentleman.
J williams. listened to your music dude and there is no rhythm and no blues so why do you call it R'nB when it is just lightweight middle of the road pop pap?
say how do you dig the gillespie brothers? cement and dizzy.
had to laugh when te flubbo farrar was TOLD by Jim Mora yesterday afternoon that he knew something about interweb creeps. i.e. committee to re-elect the prime minister. CREEP.
check out the for the details.

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