Sunday, June 19, 2011

when society becomes an addict

Have been re-reading Ann Wilson Schaef's classic on addiction, "when Society Becomes An Addict".
Itys been a while since I picked it up and it is nice to be refreshed and have time to disagree with some of her views. i.e. the feminist polemic, left and right brain theory, and anti Freudianism. She says she doesnt beleive in Freeud but without him this work would not be possibel. However it is the key concepts that still ring true and are the most fruitful. Lying, self centredness, the external referrent, and the primary goals of addiction. Its all in here once one gets past the rest of the verbiage. This is a very important book and it does offer no easy way. the onus is completely on the addict to see for themselves and then do something about it. NO CHECKLISTS!
Alcoholics and addicts dont like this book because it goes right to the heart of the matter with no punches pulled.
and reading "inventing money"y nicholas dunbar. How long term credit management nearly brought down the whole financial system. overweening pride and arrogance in mathematical models wasn't enough to save the day. As Keynes said, "markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay liquid"!
Radio Nz, dont know who was in charge over the weekend but the afternnons on the national programme featured some of the most abysmal music I have ever heard. Once upon a time they played anything unless it was ww11 vintage now they play anything with a hairdo and "tude. all played at a beat just faster than the average human can masturbate. plenty of beats but no beat if ya know what I mean.
Great to see Winnie pull gluon espiner up for lying or more correctly retailing truths as lies.
this little shits like espiner and co think they can gert away with anything.
just like william shatner asking mawk shrewsbrewery what he was hiding behind that moustache.
Jon Stewart. politics in new zealand. its a game for ineffectual people to be someone. they dont know anything but rely on focus groups and the treasury to feed them info about things they dont really care a stuff about unless there is some glory in it for them. the taxpayer pays and they ride the wave. and they are brutal and stupid to boot. no subtlety, no panache, no elan.

I hear the new offensive word is fat. How are you going "te Flabbo"?

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