Monday, June 27, 2011

rugby blabber

rugby blabber: never read so much rubbish in my life as the blabber justin marshall trotted out in the dominion yesterday.  winning is a habit; false. rugby is a brand; false. just nonsense. look at the brumbies). the essence of a brand is that it never changes. i.e. a big mac is a big mac anywhere in the world. if that is all you have learned since you quit playing the game justin then you should go back to school and do some reading instead of trotting out this meaningless foam from the mouth.
ditto Bill aulett who has come to new zealand from MIT (home of moaning noam) to read our watches and tell us what time it is. aulett compares rugby players to entrepreneurs when they are just overgrown boys playing a game for money and with a big insurance premium in case they get injured. the reason they are lauded in new zealand is because those people who think they are a big deal are infantilised. New zealand is almost totally infantilised. just listen to the premier radio station RNZ. all the announcers use interrogatives and are not capable of listening to anyone because they are too busy telling the interviewee what they have learned about them. there is no curiosity nor sense of wonder. just a burning desire to be RIGHT, IMPECCABLE and IMMACULATE. just like a second hand car. thats the standard of comparison round here mate.
further I take issue with Aulett that innovation brings job growth. more blabber. what brings job growth is looking for comparative advantage. thats not competititve advantage dummies. comparative advantage is looking for the thing that you can make the most money doing. but being a kiwi of course then you have to re-invent the wheel or devise something hdiously complicated and expensive and stupid.
every business in new zealand is up against it. there is an opportunity cost to switching horses.
and memo to Bill aulett; I spent 7 years studying economic and busines history with the certificate and I cant get  a job.
work that one out bright boy!
and the dykes going crazy in sweden?
trying to eliminate gender. time for a new sexual canute.
lesbianism has psychogentic basis in an unconscious  desire to spite the father.
being unsonscious it needs dynamic therapy to expose it but meanwhile the dykes still pushing their ridiculous line and trying to make the world conform to their wishes. i.e. self will run riot.
good old alasdair thompson. to hell with discussing it with some rabid ballbusters in a bored meeting. just call in the lawyers and get ya bread and get out. nice one dude.
not very happy with microsoft at the moment. first they shut down windows live then when I closed my account and started a new one and didnt use it for a while it appears that they have issued my new password to a chain of brothels and now I cant use it. and they are being dishonest about why I cant sign in.
thjat loses you a heck of a lot of goodwill dudes.
michelle bachman is a flake. another one booker. they say they dont believe in government but they want to be in there.
they say they want to cut spending but it always rises under a republican administration. why?
Its alla lot of baloney to impress simpletons and I guess it works.
This 'I' is not in love with Diana and I resent the dompost telling 'We' that I am. I am a monarchist and I went to see Diana and Charles on their first visit to Wellington but in love with her, noooooo. she a nice girl but not a love object.
dont forget. stones on Primetv tonight.

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