Thursday, June 16, 2011


how about a brothel and a casino to go with it.
plant some trees you drongos. stop thinking about jets and filmstars and hotels. your heads have gone wonky. when was the last time you planted any trees in the Gardens? and did you ever prosecute the person who stole all the box hedges and planted them in their new house down by the terrace. Get real and do what you supposed to do.
get off your bums.
MY Happy place. in bed with the teeveeOFF!
LeBron James. Tell them all to go and get stuffed. Dave too. who do these people think they are to tell you what to do. they actually cant do anything themselves but somehow they think they have the right to determine your actions. Noooooooooo.
Freida Fromm-Reichmann and Helene Deutsch real ladies. no namby pamby big headed small bodies for them.
Koi Carp and catfish. 90% of New Zwelands lowland lakes are degraded or severely degraded!
who smuggled them in? what about those people who wanted to farm them and made a lot osf noise in the press about twenty years ago?
what about the flubbos on their hardly davisons who want to create a little USA here. they have rights. they have liberites granted by the constachewshun. they can do whatever they like include stuff everything up just so they can ride around thinking they are in america. blerkkkkkkkk.
Chiif coroner Gerry Evans last night on the teevee. leading the witnessess,using interrogatives, trying to therapise the traumatised, setting norms. Your job is the facts dude. not trying to niceify the world so people dont have to face their own realitys.
and much like the lawyer on RNZ on Friday who complained that judges are making laws nowadays to satisfy norms and think to themsleves they  are helping to bring the road toll down by eleimanating al defenses for drunk driving.
clean and cleaner and cleanest.
no shit on us.
This country is getting much like the world in last nights tv movie 'demolition man' where they trying to create the perfect society by telling everyone how to behave. it doesnt work like that.
the rag reports that 2 Iranian men have been arrested for allegedly smuggling amphetamine into this country.
and it also reports that Iran is a major producer of amphetamines. What would the Prophet say and what does the Koran say about this?

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