Monday, October 15, 2012

Anorexia and Carrie Arnold

Freida Fromm-Reichman

I read the column in this mornings rag by Carrie Arnold about anorexia.
she makes the cliam that more research needs to be done.
I reject that completely.
A picture of the first psychoanalytic conference in 1913 reveals that there were many women involved at that early date and they were professionals and interested in all aspects of womenhood and its problems including anorexia.
Their findings are still availlable today if one has the desire to search them out and read and digest
 the material.
Nothing has changed since then except the unwillingness of post moderns to accept that it has all been done already.
It is really a case of denial and relying on  self diagnosis and uninformed opinion.
e.g. I have a heart therefore I am a heart surgeon and my opinion is that I know as much about my heart as any doctor.
the general consensus was that anorexia is a psychological desire to exert control over the only thing that the person has left.
And while we are on about it another finding about thin models reflects the idea that the fashion industry is controlled by homosexual men whose object of desire is the narcissistic, idealised version of themself and this image is projected onto the models showing of their wares.
meanwhile women are still on about does my bum look big in this and suffering under a fabricated false consciousness.

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