Friday, October 19, 2012

rugby the dishonest game...isn't it.

All professions, games, hobbies etc have their own trade secrets and tricks and ways of doing things but the conceit of Rugby in promoting the use of interrogatives is beyond the pale.
I remember sitting round the radio in the 50's listening to tests and getting up early in the morning to listen to the overseas games but these days is t is becoming harder and harder to listen to the commentaries on Radio Sport where the the endless use of interrogatives is spoiling the game.
Interrogatvies are dishonest, disrespectful and and invalid mode of argument but the game of rugby and the hypers, like radio sport seem to take pride in the fact that they can do what they like just because they can.
Well that is up to you but when you know you are dishonest and disrespectful then you are not officers and gentlemen but just bullies and standovermen and no amount of bullshit will cover that up.
even this morning reading the Dompost the  coach of the Wellington Lions was using them in print and it seems as if the Dompost has lost their style guide if not their mana if they continue to allow this nonsense.

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