Sunday, October 14, 2012

see you in hell blind boy

Hey Boss (Barack OBama)
I see the Boss (Bruce) is going out for ya again.
Dont let us down Sir.
Give the Mitt a miff!
just deserts and all that.
Looking at an old book from the 60's and saw a piccy of the Nike Ajax asnd thought it would make a good piccy and hey presto there is already one in the rag this am.
Angela Merkel
Funny little brief in the Sunday rag about Greece and the the Germans and democracy and all that nonsense.
All sort of confabulated out of gloogle and wikipedia and none of it made any sense whatsoever.
See my recent contention that everybody today has no education.
Justa collection of ideas they picked up ad hoc off the teevee.
Baselees cheap opinions with no basis whatsoever.
Made all the worse that Greece is to spend gazillions on a new formula one race track.
And Kathryn Ryan on 9-noone this am thinks that facebook really counts.
ignore it and it will go away.
you know flick it.
like the remote and the auto tranny and the sellphone.
flick flick and its gone....
and for what its worth if you want to go down the philosophical track you will find out that interrogatives are invalid, dishonest and disrepectful.
go and think about that!
Its not democratic.
dont forget that in ancient Greece democracy in Athens was shared between 20,000 citizens who were paid if they attended the assembly and laid on the back of at least 80,000 slaves.
So in reality facebook is just the mindless maunderings of a semi literate rabble.
If you want opinions then watch the firstlight channel for the most bizarre set of opinions you ever heard.
a whole lot of arrogant pseudo christians arguing about science.
cheap paltry theology.
its not even theology really its all about pandering to idiots.
nothing about Jesus loving you.
Its all about God wants YOU to be rich.
And in the dompost nice Jane Bowron giving happiness the once over.
There are natural cures for depression but they take time and effort and the only medicine is the ability to confront the truth in the privacy of the psychoanalysts rooms.
not the nigel latta stuff.
he just wants to control the process with set formulas and make you behave.
the truth is not important.
control is.
And what really irks me about Latta is that he may sit there stroking his beard and looking professorial but when he uses technical words (terms) like paranoia when he means suspicious then it is a sure bet he really doesn't understand pychosis at all.
And while it is true that it is almost impossible to cure or ameliorate severe character disorders and psychoses  otherdisorders on the lesser side of the continuum can be helped.
but if you dont know what is wrong with individuals and the causal chain then you cant help them.
Just talking about it wont do the trick.
To know what is wrong with someone is to enter the dark mirky world of the mind and to risk ones own sanity but if you dont go there then you are no better than a zambuck putting on a plaster.
If you want to be a cop then be a cop but if you really want the truth and knowledge then all the wringing of hands aint worth diddly. 

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