Friday, October 26, 2012

waiting for the wind....

found a nice book on the Spitfire yesterday.
choc full of  piccies from all the recovered Spits that still fly.
what the afficianados call an aesthtically pleasing design!
yes indeedy.
look at most birds and they made for the job.
politics is in the doldrums here.
The Labour Party is divided and the so called labour party blog seems to be a front for the green party and bogged down by link whores and policy wonks.
no one will call a spade a spade and if you do then goodbyeeeeee.....
at the moment the Standard seems to be the medium for schoolteachers worried about their mortgages and computer geeks who think that abstract notions are more satisfactory than flesh and blood.
I dont think so.
They keep talking about jobs but none of them have ever made anything and they will not accept that job creation was an invention of the Labour Party in the 1930's to create a counterweight to the sheepocracy but that still doesn't alter the fact that anything except our primary produce can me made cheaper elsewhere and that just filling the country up with more people demanding bigger toys is not progress.
Thats just pandering to the retail sector.
The disjunction is that they presume to have the answers to our industrial and environmental problems but are not willing to give anything up to advance the cause.
They hooked just like everyone else.
Presuming that just because they talk about peak oil then they have actually done something about it.
But hey thats politics.
The green party aren't exactly honest either.
Unreconstructed trotskyites posing as wannabee industrialist using more resources waiting for the chance that their cadre will be scientifically selected to fill the next leadership roles in the coming revolution.
and very good piece on the op ed page of the Dompost this am by Tracey Watkin.
she makes a list of  all the blunders by the current national party administration.
she must have written it before the release of the latest roy morgan poll where the Labour Party is losing ground.
their % keeps going south.
anyway she makes the very astute observation that the kiwi she'll be right attitude is just a cover for corner cutting and incompetence!
right on Tracy Watkin.
you catch on fast but the other side of the coin is that the government is become expert on post modernist whitewashing.
i.e. only our own truths count and if they wrong then just cover them up with a welter of nonsensical blather and no one will ever know the difference.

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