Sunday, August 11, 2013

what noise annoys an noisy oyster...

Dancing in the Street! BBC docco. found it in the family store the other day.
So is Friday Feb 16th still Aretha Franklin day in Detroit?
The Ashes. Michael Clark still doesn't get it. Its the haircut you fool.
Wonk wonk.
Big ups for SOMMET, channel 14 on my tv thing. Badminton, soccer and Caribbean Cricket. No ads. no hectoring harassing loud voiced nitwits screaming atcha.
Making it up as they go along.
Mark Hathaway from TV1. Its the Hutt Recreation Ground not the Hutt Recreational Ground. Are you so IMPORTANT that you cant even get that right?
Justice for Trayvon Martin.
Great to see that the NAACP has organised a march on Washington to get the Justice Department off their bums.
Time for the NAACP to make another push about black consciousness that is not connected to consumerist aspirations but true freedom of the spirit.
Great to see Grant Smithies making the point about noise in yesterdays SundayStarTimes.
The National Government said it would do something about it but the Little shits are creeping back in the full knowledge that many grown ups in New Zealand are pandering to them.
And the Police can be compared to the Luftwaffe in WW11. Every time they had the RAF on the ropes they would switch tactics.
Somebody at Police HQ (bullshit castle) should read Douglas G Brownes history of the Rise of Scotland Yard. in 1914 over 20,000 vehicles were reported as being noisy and the police took action.
Here in New Zealand the brats seem to be able to do what they like and nobody does anything.
Why is that?
New Zealand has become a nation of panderers.
There doesn't seem to be any rectitude whatsoever.
Listen to RNZ in the mornings.
THey are constantly using dishonest figures of speech and doing so willfuly yet they want to be taken as the standard for objectivity and probity.
Its all crap.
I know that trying to set the world aright is a hopeless not to say neurotic task but there are some things in New Zealand that are rotten and need excising.
Thats why I like reading At Ease. Eisenhower is constantly talking about fakes and removing them when they have proven themselves to be no good but there in NZ they just get promoted.

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