Sunday, May 5, 2013

bum titty bum titty bum bum bum.....


kept a close eye on the netball this weekend
no frotting

Conrad Smith
your time is up
retire dude..
we've had the best
skip the rest

Dragged out a box of old vhs's last night
watched Conan the Destroyer
a pissweak 27min doco on Jimi Hendrix
and a compilartion of 5 Steptoe and Son episodes
not quite as funny as I rememeber them but good enough
they would never get a green light now
not clean enough
ha ha ha fucking ha
and which reminds me about those who go on about British Humour. Manuel from Fawlty Towers is a direct copy of the Mexican in Rio Bravo
tee hee.

Power To the People
news was some dude raving Adrian Kerr (who he)  on about the market and spot prices
what he didnt tell us that jobsworths in the money markets know how to work the system in times of short supply or full supply to ramp the market and take a skim
New Zealand does not have 350,000,000 population and it does not need a supernumeray level of parasites supping on what should be an averaged out price and limited suppliers
This is not the United States.
the present system is just a nonsense erected by the National Party to payout their extreme supporters on profits earned off the people assets
If you read the SST on Sunday you would have seen a bag of Cocoa Beans supplied by the Cocoa Board of Ghana.
The world largest supplier
not a grifter in sight
no market
take it or leave it
National Campaigned on the plank  that it was their turn
but they have had their turn and it is now time to throw them out

NZ Reconstitution
Good debate on RNZ Sunday night
some serious effort went into it and it is reassuring to know that any new constitution is not going to be the usual jerry built kiwi lashup that nobody wants.
Back to the Dompost WEEKEND
a flippant almost post modern look ar constitutions
flippant and a whole page of opinions
you know what they say about opinions
they are like ah ummm err noses
everyones got one
The Dompost will be derelict in their duty if this is the level of their contribution
and when can we see which and what priciples Maori want embedded in the constitution
The Maori Party started this so where are their scholars with a reasoned anlysis of the principles
one principle would be no taxation without representation but so far all we get is the word 'principle' with no explanations
are non maori and pakeha expected to just swallow this
surely they can do better than that
and just for good measure:
"The King is not the nations representative but its clerk"
Maximillien de Robespierre

do you seeeeee heeeeem?

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