Tuesday, May 7, 2013

dont be nosey!

Its all nonsense today.
It was a lovely morning as I walked into town until some peanut head noisepig in an older model Falcon with no muffler decided to come down the street.
New Zealand is the home of infantile panderers who think they have to appease idiots just because they have a car.
The PM thinks he can tell people how to conduct a democracy.
New Zealand is not a business and you cant fire people just because they disagree with you.
Metiria Turei says the PM is becoming hysterical.
more likely he has at last become inane.

suddenly solid energy has become unviable.
First of all they ramped it up and now that its blown up completely they can sell it off even cheaper than before.
talk about ccrummy!
Faith is the question in Anglican circles in Auckland. One of the parishioners is suffering from the deadly sin of pride and looking for public opinion to change the mind of the church when he should be looking at himself!

Another infantile suggestion from some computer game maker that is trying to sell its game to the Health Department as a prescription to cure teenage depression.
Yeah right.
What do these people know about depression anyway?
But there will be some nincompoop in the Department of Health who will greenlight it because they have been blinded by the pretty colours and the hip crew doing the presentation.
yaddah yaddah yaddah.
more money siphoned off for nonsense because somebody says they can with no credentials and no investigation.
There is a social distress syndrome here but nobody will tackle the cause only the effect.
just like the paranoid wife killers.
paranoia is a defence against passive unconscious h*m* sexuality.
People with this condition do not know they have it.
they marry because in their cosncious mind they know it is best if they have a wife but in their psychosis they think that that their spouses or significant other are committing the same acts that they wish to.
The thing about narcissitic states is that the person sexuality becomes tied up with and endless and uncoscious search for the self as expressed in other people.
my apologies for the tortuos explication but there is no other way to describe a complex situation.
it cant be done with a one liner.

New Zealand Re-constituted.
“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of Constitutional power.”

Thomas Jefferson

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