Saturday, February 7, 2015

ignorance is bliss...

every doggone time.
this stuff'll probably kill ya.
lets do another line.
you can see a million of 'em down on heart attack and vine.

more ignoramusses on show this week in New Zealand.
first Bishop John Gray in Christchurch telling Jews to watchout next  time and the holocaust was their fault.
Another fucking over educated idiot who has never read a bloody book in their whole life!

and Education Minister Hekia Parata who is about to cutoff schools from the National Library.

These people are like tony Abbot in Australia.
Got where they are on sheer mouth alone with no depth whatsoever.
ho hum.

Is this waht civilisation has come to.
A whole gang of arrivistes who want to impose their prejudices, biasses and bigotry on the population and furthermore shut off any chance of comparison and contrast.

These people are part of the cadre that says that its not what you know but who you know so that means you dont have to know anything and ignorance is at a premium.
and whats worse they think they know everything anyway.
and what they dont know doesn't matter because if it did they would know it anyway.
show me to the bar.
 thats the way we do it round here.

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