Sunday, July 13, 2014

away out on the mountain...

No matter which way you cut it whether it be cast, visual, plot, music or setting then Oh Brother Where Art Thou is a nifty little flick. Its got it all. It harks back to a simpler time but no less complex for that.
I have watched it several times and as I got more used to George playing an almost simpleton at large in gump to the power of 10 then the movie got better and better.
all was revealed.
The music is fantastic.
John Hartford and the two chicks Allison Krauss and Gillian Welch plus of course Emmy Lou.
Great players and singers. Primo!!!!!
All the goodies from that particular oeuvre.
Viz bluegrass and blues.
Yesterday I pondered an article in the SST on NZONAIR and travel funding for the music industry (?). copious references to flying nun records and the spirit of independence and determination to go their own way and then a quick cut to now and petty harping on the amounts and to whom.
As an aside there are still kiwi bands form the 80's and nineties working around America and still sleeping on floors!
Think about that.
Back to OBWAT and its a different type of music.
If you want a reference point its the sort of music that Marlon Williams plays but back in the USA there are still many traditionalists who keep to the good old way.
Fiddle, banjo, bass, mandolin and of course the voices.
Down From The Mountain is the concert movie of the movie. All the artists performing songs from movie at the Grand Ol' Opry.
Too much.
Its still alive.
The people there were digging it. Folks from all over come to Nashville on a Saturday night to enjoy themselves.
Great stuff.
Unpretentious heartland people and it isn't hard to see how the real movers and shakers in the USA come from the heartland.
They have a different ethic of hard work and if you are smart too then you can go a long way.
I digress.
Its the same everywhere.
So the kids today playing music.
Who knows.
I saw some at this 'industry' event and there was no audience?
All I can say if it was me then I would have made such a racket that that the house fell down.
See the kids today dont know syncopation and they dont listen to anyone but themselves.
That is no way to progress.

still talking about the movies.
Ridley Scott made a very stupid remark in todays capital rag the dompost.
viz religion is the source of all evil.
if ridders believes this then he is uneducated  or he is clever and he just wants to make films to make money because he knows the potency of the brew he is serving up.
people are the source of all evil ridley.
take it from me.

I love the prehistory and dont know much about modern Turkey but the country is still wild, mysterious and beautiful.

Super Connie

Back to this fool again.
A most erudite and knowledgeable and learned and still a monumental fool.
The world abounds with persons who presume to know everything and steven pinker is one who have the Socratic syndrome.
Because they may be experts at something then consider themselves experts at everything.
Parents who want their kids to develop to the fullest extent possible and know that to properly understand the world you must be fearless and open try Bruno Bettelheim.
Dont read the commentaries.
He may have turned into a grumpy old man but his truths are still timeless and universal.
Those who emphasise only one side of his understanding are simply jealous.
Well waddaya know about that.


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