Thursday, July 17, 2014

big johns been drinking since the river took emmy lou...

From Boulder to Birmingham

For some indefinable reason I never cottoned to Emmy Lou Harris but I have revised my opinion after watching the concert movie "Down From The Mountain".
She is pretty good allright.
The late John Hartford was pretty good too.
He wrote Gentle On My MInd for GlenCampbell and others.
A real gun. 

Not nice reading about the Aeroplane shot down over the Ukraine this morning.
What the hell is going on there?
Both sides have to give something here.
There is no clear cut answer and if this sort of stuff keeps happening then whoever is responsible will be branded criminals forever.
alls fair in love and war but not this.

I have always had romangtic notions about Truk and never figured out why.
When I began to reread Bill Bridgemans bio  The Lonely Sky Truk features as the target of his bomber squadron in WW11.
I devoured this book as a schoolboy. Those sorts of books were arounda lot more in those days.
It was happening then and people were doing stuff.
Things aren't so good in Truk  now I gather and its a bit sad really.
apparently its a pearl in the ocean.

Had to interloan The Uses of Enchantment at $5 a pop but its worth it.
this time I will take notes.
Google Bettelheim and the revisionists have been at work.
the same gang or type of gang that paid for pseudo academics to besmirch Margaret Mead have been at work on Bruno.
He told the truth about JUng.
Thats why.

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