Tuesday, July 8, 2014

one toke over the line...

It doesn't matter which party wins the general election in September the nex t important item on the national agenda in fact the key issue is the legalisation of cannabis.
New Zealand is largely governed by people who use too much soap, wear trheir underpants too tight and are overly possessed with feelings of puritanical guilt inculcated by the theology developed in British Schools to instruct the natives in the 19th century.
Well that time is over.

Two items of local interest.
Masterton Mayor Lynne Patterson did a little item in the weekly sausage wrapper about noise.
It is axiomatic that it is not the severity of the penalty bu the certainty of being caught that is the maximumn deterrent
It is up to the Mayor and the councillors to maintain pressure on WOF issuing garages and the Police to keep the noise level in cars down to the legal limit and if necessary find other laws to charge boy wussers with breaches of the peace.
They have to be smacked into line if necessary.
 Little turds do not make the laws for everybody else.
The other thing is the pruning of trees in Queen Elizabeth II park and in parts of the old settlers cemetery.
As a frequent user I would not be opposed to shrubby stragglers and weak vines being extirpated but I hope the slaughter is not going to be wholesale.
You know some fucking experts on the job who want the juvenile totaras and matais for their fireplaces so they can skite to their mates about it .
The Old cemetery has acquired a bountiful harvest of trees and even though my ancestors are buried in there I dont mind if the places goes wild as long as the headstones are preserved.
This kiwi fanatacism for tidying things up must not be allowed to get out of hand.
Its more than fanaticism its a mania.
all good kiwi kids have been made to pooh on demand and the result is ingrained anal retentiveness which does sometimes manifest itself as an excessive desire for correctness and neatness.
i.e. if it looks right then it wont smell (of sh*T).
untrue but nevertheless a powerful unconscious force.

People are strange...

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