Tuesday, July 29, 2014

peanuts popcorn candyfloss...

You Ain't the Only One!

Last Man Standing!

It is an axiomatic inverse square law that when utilitarian objects fashioned by man beome adorned and ornate then the efficiency goes down.
e.g. I went to Parliament yesterday to exercise my democratic right to watch the proceedings.
The staff stopped just this side of being rude but what really annoyed me was the two large size tv screens that have been installed in the press gallery.
now that is just downright pandering to whom I'm not sure.
Next thing you know there will be someone selling hotdogs in the lobby and signs on the beehive advertising finance companies.
What the fuck is going on.
Anyway when I read the rag  on the train down to town it said in a swingeing way that people were wearing sunglasses down Lambton Quay when it was raining.
I had done my biz by about five when it was darkening so I put my shades on.
Fingers to you jobs.
I was the only one!!!!!!
Nobody ever looks happy in Wellington anyway.
This morning I had to go up to Masterton to see a relly and that was much better.
up down turn around yas yas yas.
Before I left home I was listening to RNZ and deborah hill cone was on talking about trade training.
well she knew all the words and kept repeating them till I got sick of hearing about pathways.
Has cone ever had a trade except blabbing?
You learn a trade on the job.
not by listening to someone blabbing buzzwords.

"Anyone can learn any job in three months"
W.D. Rockefeller snr 

The theory is learned in block courses.
At least that's the way it used to be done.
Now all the smart asses think it can be done by vocational training.
that just translates into jobs for more lardasses.
see everyone in New Zealand knows all the words but they don't really know how to do anything.
A Nation of users.

The best star photographer at Mount Wilson Observatory in the USA turned out to be the roadman who took a shine to the Astronomer in chiefs daughter and caught a break.
beat that! 

Had to redo my media player Ricky Nelson Tracks the other day.
Whenever the PC shits itself stuff vanishes off My Music and it can be quite a rigmarole to restore it.
anyway I really enjoyed listening to hello Mary Lou and Poor Little Fool.
PLF has one of those fifties progressions that is way cool.
1, ii minor, IV, V.
Easy when you  how!

Billboards for the general election going up everywhere now.
All the Tory ones have John Key First and then the Candidate.
I don't think I'll vote this election.
The Labour Party seems to have run out of Juice.
They listen but only to focus groups.
They need to go out and start talking to real people.
In the Street.
But I wouldn't vote for the National party candidate in the Wairarapa electorate.
He is a money pig (banker) with a vineyard who lives in Wellington.
He just a carpetbagger!

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