Thursday, June 20, 2013

blow winds blow...

A real hairy one today.
wind and rain and cold.
its the eternal ebb and flow of the seasons.
its good though.
all the creeks and rivers will get flushed and the aquifers refilled.
the Waignawa was coloured but not a banker yet.
Used to love this weather when I was trapping possums in the foothills of the southern alps.
the cold and the snow really brings the fur on.
Don't relish being an all black tomorrow.
playing in this stuff is not gooood.
used to play a few games of league for a senior reserve team a long time ago and it seems like I only got a game when the weather was like this.
I fear the world is going mad.
on the surface its all running along but resources are getting more and more scarce and the men running the show don't seem to have read any books and like good homo sapiens their first consideration is how they view themselves viz a viz their neighbours.
not a good way to be if you have your finger on the button.
we seem to be in the grip of mental midgets who have the levers of power but no fucking brains.

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