Friday, June 28, 2013

lovely day today...

Good day yesterday.
found these two carry on movies at the Family Store in Masterton.
I will get the vhs out later on in the winter and ogle them.
It was big deal back in the day when a new Carry On film was on the "Coming Attractions" window at the Regent Theatre.
Ditto Steve Reeves.
He wuz the man.
maybe we were a bit more naive then but the Thief of Baghdad was hot stuff and the whole theatre would roar.
Ya dont get that any more.
Mostly because the sound is turned up so loud these days that the audience is stunned into submission by the soundfx.
Kimmy Hill.
Hi Kim.
Have put up a little reading list for you after listening to your comments this morning about relativism.
Relativism is just more more bullshit from mainly french h*m*sexual intellectuals who needed a device to protect themselves from confronting their own sexuality and now it has expanded into a post modern doctrine expressly for obscurantists who wnat to hide all number of things from examination.
Its all crap.
I didnt have time to rehearse Brian Fays analysis of relativism but he is the man that pulls the whole deal apart and makes sense of something that many others want to prevent seing the light of day.
One has to rememer that post modernism is about confusing people and confused people are the most controllable.
Nothing relative about that.
Nor is there any equivocating about the large hadron collider either!
and read Anne Wilson Schaef. The avowed anti-freudian whao actually is one (larfs).
She says that the feelings never lie and thats true.
Ones feelings always tell you the truth but if you have been brought up to lie to yourself, the family and the world about the true state of affairs then that is when you need therapy.
Just remember that the truth is in very high supply but very low demand.

Oh and if you can find a copy try "Freud Rediscovered" by the late Lucy Freeman.

and another point is that during WW11 new Zealand was blighted by playing host to the cowardly little weasel Karl Popper who told everybody that psychonalysis was pseudo and that the will could fix everything.
Yeah right but the dumbarse Kiwis who were left behind when the real people went off to fight swallowed it whole.
The ignorati always think that there are simple solutions to everything.

Lucy Freeman.

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