Friday, June 14, 2013

I feel the need...

for speed.
at the moment nursing music injuries!
sore thumb.
wonky elbow and pain in the back of the palm side of the hand.
last time my shoulder froze and it took nearly a year of exercise and physio to make it come right.
My therapist was amazed at my persistence and determination but if you havee spent a large proportion of your life doing something then it is not easy to let it go just like that.
Never mind the old jambone is getting a solid workout.
memorising melodies note for note don't get any easier.
the tricky ones like mocking bird hill are real mind twisters as it begins on the 5th of the scale and even though it doesn't matter which key the harp is in there is an inbuilt desire to transpose instead of just sucking and blowing.
Also pressure points in my hips and buttocks!
It took three days of applying pressure to the meatiest part of my left buttock to massage one out.
It really hurt.
Pulled out my copy of Top Gun last night.
an old dunga I rescued from a thrift shop but it still goes.
I did all the special features first and the movie was all the better for that.
the flying sequences are phenomenal even on a 14'' low d tv.
anyway Kimmy was good this a.m.
epigenetics and a woman who was trying to reform the FBI all by herself.
Well its all very well believing in the pronuncimentos of the founding fathers at the constitutional conference but the world is more complex and overpopulated and bringing food to the table of everyone let alone maintaining order is a huge job.
At the moment I am reading a book on the Police in England.
A great history but one of the characters says," policing is a funny job. you get dammed for not doing it properly and dammed if you do."
that's about the size of it.
Some stuff matters other stuff doesn't.
anyway the personal is much more important at the moment.
ergo Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Freud ran across it in trying to treat veterans of the great war for shell shock when their problem was demonstrably more than a neurotic sexual fixation from childhood.
i.e. their sensibilities were overwhelmed in a manner that could barely be described let alone understood.
The problem for me and for  workers in the social field is that when PTSD occurs in childhood the result in adolescence and adulthood is generally written off as a character disorder and the person consigned to a life of debilitating social stigma and inability to get anywhere while the rest of the cohort treats them as an amusement laid on for their benefit.

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