Sunday, October 25, 2015

I can feel the heat closing in...

bad news in the rag this am.
lung capacity of children diminishing in children living in cities where the environment is overloaded with particulates and gasoline fumes.
and two items on boozing and curiosity which are two separate strands of the dynamics of the family constellation of child rearing.
Every addiction has as its primary goal to prevent the addict feeling their true thoughts and feelings.
so what are they.
alchoholism is a defense against paranoia which is itself a defense against passive unconscious homosexuality.
curiosity is a function of the child witnessing the sexual act.
when that mystery is exposed too soon then the child has nothing left except to get stuff.
our whole society has been vitiated by the visual media because they have swamped the population with messages that everything is ok because they say so and the post modernists nitwits have taken it to heart.
only their own truths count but in the long run they count for nothing except for getting what you can and to hell with the long term or short term or anything.

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