Monday, October 12, 2015

oriental despotism and strange days...

Here in New Zealand we have entered a period of quasi absolutism where laws only apply to some people and others get off scot free while it appears that the law is not here to maintain order but to cow the citizens.

The Dompost reports this morning that Ministers of the Crown are getting off speeding tickets because someone decided that it might embarrass them.
What the hell is going on when there is one set of laws for some and another set of laws for the other.

then you get the Case of Helen Kelly who would like some pain relief and palliative care but the minister in charge of that is dragging his heels and hiding behind a another set of laws.

this has got to end.

And it looks like Radio New Zealand is operating a two tier news system too by deciding what it will put forward to the public for consideration while neglecting the import of things that are real in favour of abstractions of things that it can do nothing about.
i.e. it panders to the sensibilities of that section of the community that does not want to face the truth about anything except their own personal desires and believe their very own thoughts to be facts.

Anthropologists have sometimes debated the existence of national character but the debate bogs down in charges of racism.
However it seems as if the New Zealand National character is deeply rooted in ignoring anything that it does not want to face or that requires real thought and dumping on anyone who dares to tell the truth.

Spent last night reading the Battle for ST Lo. an enthralling story of the advance of the allies into France after the Normandy landings. This battalion ended up with just 450 men of the 800 it started with in a month of solid fighting.
Bravery plus.
Listen to a kiwi who is jealous of anything American, basically because they cant afford the big stuff and a really nasty streak of anti-Americanism emerges.
Never let anyone say anything to me about the bravery and determination of the American fighting man ever.
Even if they make mistakes they are still doing the best they can.
 And they don't moan about it for centuries afterwards.

I know who I'll be seeing in New Zealand

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