Wednesday, October 14, 2015

mad johns escape...

the flies are back.
the nitwit from nextdoor has now started dumping all the grass clippings on his show plot (to prove he is a gardener) and now the flies are starting to hatch.
Apparently he has been told not to spray the box hedge on the driveway as it is starting to regain some semblance of health instead of the pitiful appearance it was beginning to acquire after repeated applications of whatever so he doesn't  have to bend down and pick out a weed.
never mind.
Time for Carter Court to do something about the flies!
Why do I have to do it this way?
You figure it out.
They know everything and if they dont know it then it isn't important or they would know it.
If you try and talk sense to them then they deny anything that doesn't conform with their view of rthe world they have acquired after years of bossing around geeriatrics.

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