Wednesday, October 28, 2015

wots rong wif dis country....

according to Mark its the centre left!!!!!!!! embodied in the form of beautiful babes like Hayley Holt.
Nice bob babe.  She and Grace are the two choicest looking chicks in NZ ( they are whats right with the country).hehehehehehe.
anyway I always thought Hayley was  hard right but you live and learn.
Anyway wots wrong wif NZ is avaricious, acquisitive, venal. hyperactive motormouths like M**k who need more and more expensive trade goods to bolster their fragile egos and overawe the punters with their purchasing magnificence.
i.e. If I got a big expensive one then I am a big guy!
yeah right.
Too much is never enough for some people. IS IT.


and great item in the Dompost this am on Bullying.
If you have ever read the Lord Of The Rings then you will recall the stopover in a place called Bree where the questers had to fend off the Men Of Bree. i.e the MOB.
There is a sort of mob mentality at large in NZ that wont lie down.
When I first began investigating mental dynamics I went first to Karl Jung who was an old fraud and then to Sigmund Freud who I swallowed whole.
Just like everything else some of it is correct and some right off base but the old Master acknowledged that and said that further investigation was what was needed.
fast forward to Marvin Harris who asserts in opposition to Freud that war breeds aggression and not vice versa. Well there is a very nasty aggressive streak in this country that is only held in check by the laws and it would be a fruitful field of investigation to find out where it comes from.
Post modernism came about when the professors of the humanities needed a philosophy of scepticism to counterbalance the sciences that were in ascendant in the late 50's early 60's and  the end result was that the universities abandoned the public in favour  of tenure and internal posturing.
It is time that the educated elite began to re-engage with the populace instead of hiding in their ivory towers and collecting their pay.
The vacuum has been filled with opinionaters and rabble rousers with no opposition whatsoever and an a servile media who prefer sensation and have forgotten the meaning of the word objective!

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