Tuesday, November 22, 2011

common is as common does

we f*cking love you..we doooooo...
reading a selection of Plutarch on the makers of rome.
good stuff but not allowed today.
too many idiots would geta plane ticket and a g*n and come afta ya fuh tellin the truth!
Hi Boss.
how was the holiday in Bali?
howa re the seven dwarves.
hey dont worry about tim wilson from TVNZ TV1, their correspondent in NY.
he isa dummy.
he knows nothing about the arcana of american politics and just as well.
he got foot in mouth disease.
every time he opnes his mouth he puts his foot in it.
Wendy Petrie.
 I dont know what you do when you are not reading the news but the gaggle you are hanging out with are not doing you any favours with the old incessant interrogatives. ARE THEY?
found an old scrubby book on contemporary French culture written in 1956. VEry good especially the bit on Montaigne. That will take some more investigation.
take me to portugal.
take me to spain.
I want to see you again and again.
take me.
spanish caravan.
yes I know you can.

black sheep squadron!

this my favourite RS's album after Their Satanic Majesties Request.
We Love You....

and my fave Doors album. lightweight maybe but way cool all the same. Just got the chords for wintertime love and whipping it into shape. hey yeah.

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