Friday, November 11, 2011

whats happening dude?

the short answer is not much.
everything has gone along gangbusters for so long that the whole world seems to be in suspended animation.
shock almost.
wonderful while everything is going forward but bereft of ideas once it stops.
Saw Crosby and Nash on Dave last night.
If Nash had not put new strings on the guitar it would have sounded awful.
ho hum.
the election.
the rag predicts a landslide for National but thats not what I hear.
The nats are all walking round with sour faces and ill concealed pissedoffedness and not like winners.
They have run onto a stumbling block trying to sell the states assets so they can put them to market and make sure that others enjoy the revenue streams.
I wonder who?
Its all back to front.
instead of building the country up they are trying to sell it to the lowest bidder.
It was John Maynard Keynes who said it was the job of the young to steal from the old but this is just going to far.
It is worse than the Athenians or the Spartans trying to reduce all conquered states into serfdom and vassalage.
They want to pay for  mansions and such for the already rich in first world countries by screwing down the peasants here.

foul is fare and fair is foul.
Ya get that. The thing  about rich people is that they are never satisfied. What they want is More.

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