Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Waiting For The Sun: Purple haze: Rolling Stone.

hey Jimi voted the best.
when it comes down to tin tax he was the best.
I preferred Mike Bloomfield. he had it all too but he didnt show off.
Jimi was all flash.
it doesnt matter if Eddie can play faster or richie blackmore can play very fast scalesx.
Or maybe some of it is not HIP anymore.
He had it all in all suits.
hard fast long short funny
chord changes that j.s.bach or w.a.mozart would die for. whistled up into another dimension with the angel choir. 
dallas arbiter.
duane had one of them too.
sheer scale of pace speed and above all musicality and lyricism.
what more can you say. today just go, hendrix, yeah.
graze on it and keep going.
lookign for themselves.
but you cant play shit unless you can play the burning of the midnight lamp or red house.


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