Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I cant explain

founda little paperback about the early WHO yesterday. nifty. Roger Daltrey said, "when they said we were making a noise we just went out and made a biggger one".
Well nowadays if you get dissed then you whine on facebook.
especially if you cant play your instruments.
Todd Blackadder.
Hi Todd. watchout for the AA dingbats in Christchurch. They are parasites and social climbers and more interested in the victims social circle than their health.
and most of them cant keep their mouths shut.
corey Jane. you should stop drinking too. you dont want to be propping up some bar in the HUtt in twenty years time maundering on about how once you wuz somebody. If you dont stop drinking then you can become a nobody pretty fast.
and Isaac Luke. watchout dude. once the word really gets out then they will gang up on YOU.

You are a soak while Zac has an allergy. two different  reactions but both deadly in the end.

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