Monday, November 14, 2011

why is werner herzog a fool? because he wastes money on idee fixees without seeking to find any real truth. Its all about him. sorry old chap but thats the deal dude.
Lets see you make a western with a story!
who gives him the money to make dogs?
the election is grinding on.
the latest red herring is john keys and binky banks pretending to get upset about a tape recorder that wasn't even switched on.
It saves talking about policy.
We know what their policy is. since the beginning of New Zealands history there have been some very dodgy if not downright venal prime ministers and the current lot go into that bag.
that's all it is and no amount of papering over the cracks can conceal it.
If the media wasn't so infantilised and on the ball then we would have some pieces on financial pelf in the United States. i.e. Penn Central, the Savings and Loan Scam and other financial manipulations that were solely induced by the government to benefit certain individuals and no others.
Its happening here now but the press corp is juvenile and in thrall to the 'interests' so there will be no investigations of why the assets must be sold.
you bet.
2 neato documentaries on Prime TV last night.
Heavy Metal Band Videos and Bob Gruens piccies of John Lennon and Yoko.
Metal has never been my most favourite musical genre but they do play their own instruments and emote a lot.
Good on 'em.
Why is prime the only free to air TeeVee that show docos?
better than all the rest.
Hope you like the piccies.
Random selection but I did read the script of "The Night Before" before it was produced and gave it 5***** then.
Whipped up by a new zealand investment banker who subsequently lost the plot but he had the contacts.
just short on accountant.
this country is ruled by anal accountants.
no verve at all. 
very sad.
all the gear is hear and all the people but no genuine creators.
Zac Guildford.
Watch it boy. they want to isolate you and make you a non person and disappear you from all existence.
again the country is filled with no talents just dying to jump on someones back, anyones and drag them down.
just so they can have the satisfaction of a. getting on teevee for five minutes or b. cutting and trimming you down to size. their size.
If you need help come and see me.
I know the score but they wont let me in the game.Seek and you will find.

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