Saturday, November 5, 2011

I got the steve williams, duncan garner, gluon espiner blues

yeah its sunday morning and I cant get out of bed x 2
if I dont get 10 weetbix then I may as well be d*ad
just reflecting on non musicians writing musical criticism and therefore being unable to truly discern what is musical, what is musicianship and what isn't.
Recently read a volume on "the blooz" that made a whole heap of unverifiable statements,e.g. Son House slagging off Charlie Patton and the author himself retailing the line that Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup could not play properly.
Both nonsense. Listen to Pattons going to alabama and you get the whole nine yards. Urgency, compulsion, drama, declamatory style of singing and a propulsive drive that only comes with total control of metre and timekeeping.
As for Arthur Crudup, his playing is more melodic than Charlie Patton but none the less containing no lack of excitement.
Okay kids.
skip james


go look for them and tell me what ya think?

and so the press is going gangbusters on steve williams ex tiger woods caddy for a bit of drunken name calling. Steve williams is a prime example of the big kiwi oaf who can. then no talents like brendan telfer get up and opine and wring their hands about him. get a life telfer. you been hanging round the girls netball teams for too long and someone cut your balls off. and as for michael campbell, he wood win a few more tournaments if he hired a redneck yankee caddy instead of relying on whole shitload of mumbo jumbo he has managed to accrete over the years.
pharmac labelled as naive for introducing a new drug because the old one took up too much time to monitor and now people are dying.
ya get that. indication creep and all. especially in new zealand where everything is supplied by the cheapest bidder.
and the msm.
many complaints about duncan garner and gluon espiner. two manques shoulder tapped straight out of j school to present the right wing view on teevee. all of a sudden they are big men when in reality they are little pissants with no talent except brown nosing.
ya get what ya pay for Isuppose.
If you want the real story then go to for the unvarnished truth instead of the pitiful crap that expiner and garner ladle out.
hell I better watch out.
the f*ckers are liable to try something. hmmmmmmm.

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