Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I beg your pardon

I beg your pardon. I never promised you a rosegarden.

Listening to the news tonight and the fearless forthright Mary Wilson, a recent subject of a Sunday Star Times going up, was busy stroking the Mayor of Hamilton's ego with a little item on the Rodgers Rose Garden where the rumour was that it was going to be pulled out to save $60,000. Well no. It isn't. And it wasn't a fait accompli as many thought but under consideration. Well thats nice telling us all that now and sneering at someone who got the wrong end of the stick. Thats not nice. Why didn't you come out and say that in the first place? You cant have it both ways. So Mary Wilson is not fearless and forthright. She is a constant user of disrespectful and dishonest interrogatives and now conspiring to make someone else look like a fool..

Ho hum.

The international energy agency (IEA) has just been reported as saying that unless steps are taken now then irreversible and accelerating changes are going to occur in the environment.

Well that may be as it may be but in our social system only some achieve the levers of power the rest have to satisfy themselves by acquiring goods to provide self esteem and a comparison with ones peers.

As long as this is the prime and more or less the only motivating force in the industrialized countries then there is no stopping it.

Thank god I will be dead before the shit hits the fan.

How the washup works out is another matter.

Will learning persist or will it slowly die out. Can the major projects that have occupied the best brains for the last 60 years reach fruition or will such grand objectives as mining asteroids and colonies on mars and extended human longevity reach fruition before the crap really hits the fan.

That is the big question?

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