Monday, November 21, 2011

watchout for the wilsons

getting a bit annoyed with Mary Wilson on Checkpoint.
last night she grilled some poor helicopter pilot to see why there had been NO accident in the Grey Valley yesterday.
ho hum.
then she cut the police commisioner off like he was some idiot caller on skwawkback radio.
very rude.
and tim wilson from TV1 in New York.
but in the Sunday Star Times last Sunday.
first he opines that the schaal sheila is funnier than dave letterman.
then he he makes a list of her "fun facts".
if he was any sharper he would cut himself.
and The Complete Encyclopedia of Sailing Ships by John Batchelor and Christopher Chant.
barely adequate.
poor grammar.
bad spelling.
wonky syntax.
illogical index.
you have to do better than this.
Seafaring LOre and Legend by Peter D. Jeans.
check facts please.
the Seven Seas were the lagoons separating Venice from the mainland.
filled in later.
no idle speculations please.

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