Friday, November 18, 2011

saturday morning coming down

nz in midle of genral election and the whole country has gone into drongo mode.
no issues.
just red herrings everywhere.
the big issue is the sale of the states assets but no discussion.
no discussion of MMP either.
when I did a nz politics paper at Vic they had the whole explanation in one on an A4 piece of paper.
the nitwits of the press can take 4 whole pages and show nothing but nonsensical belletristic doodles.
what is going on?

the most beautiful aircraft ever made!

take that you f*ckers....

one cool piece of aeroplane.

either we are morons ot we are being treated as morons?
which is it?

and appropos of nothing much SMOKING.
the best way to present gillian rileys message in how to stop smoking and stay stopped for good wouldbe to put it in a comci. like those begiiners guides to philosophy or classic comics.
her method would be ideal for this treatment and lets see it instead of funding and an office and a van and more and more klingons who cant really do anythingmuch. You know, like the New Zealand Film industry. there is a veneer of bullshit and sometimes it gets quite thick but in the end it is not substantial and nothing changes.

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