Wednesday, February 8, 2012

he may be a fool but he's our fool!

Big night on the telly last night.
Bruce Willis in diehard 4.0, Harry's law, one dayer in Perth and sonnyboy punching up  fatboy in Hamilton
what more could you ask for.
If you needed an infantile distraction last night was tops.
Found myself listening to Randy Newman's Good Old Boys as the soundtrack to my life, well last night anyway. hahahahahahahahaha.
last night I saw lester maddox on a teevee show.
with some smartass new york jew.
well the jew laughed at lester maddox.
and the audience laughed at lester maddox too.
What a lot of crap they talk on the radio. and then this morning some dj trying to act as if he was there when dire straights did water of life and a few others.
you weren't there.
stop faking it.
where is the new music?
there isn't any.
there hasn't been a decent band since Guns and Roses and they self destructed and how long ago was that.
sorry but that's the way it works.
According to Greenspan and h
Hayek or is that Schumpeter, I keep getting the kondratievs and leontieffs mixed up, well anyway creative destruction is the go mate.
so they destroyed all the old music and now we have the new stuff except it isn't music.
Funny that.
All the good stuff disappears into the past and now we have a new generation trying to grab everything except its all intangible.
intellectual property.
when they seize it there is nothing there.
Kathryn Ryan on her best behaviour interviewing Bill English this morning.
no interrogatives.
no add ons, clip ons or tag endings in sight.
keep it up.
grow up!
More pandering from the VUW language school in this mornings paper.
for your information the tag ending "eh" is an interrogative, although abbreviated, but as you are in the business of pandering you cant see the wood from the trees.
police cracking down on speeders.
thats ok but if they would just stick to cracking down on noisy cars then they get everyone in the same net and the urbs are peaceful.
but you know something.
will it float?
one more thing.
I suppose I should just keep my big mouth shut but the  gardener next door has now got a chainsaw.
he busy all afternoon pruning trees.
in the middle of summer!
stacking it into nice little piles.
relly impressing th epassersby.
getting HIS supplies in before winter
usually one does that sort of thing in the winter when  trees are  dormant, the  sap is low and the bugs are too.
but no.
this guy knows everything.
he's gota chainsaw!!!!!!!!!
better watch the interrogatives.
I mihght get a job commentating on the cricket.
If you are a typical kiwi thicko and and somehow you dont know anything else and want to keep everyone else out then using interrogatives is the best way of bullying others into acquiescence.
before they have had time to work out what you said and frame an answer then you have moved on.
what a neat trick.
Real pommie working class stuff to make oneself aoppear intelligent.

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